Friday, December 30, 2016

Adab menjadi perempuan melayu terakhir


I've been staying in the hostel since I was form one until now. Yes, it's a long period. Tapi zaman universiti ni bukanlah asrama sangat. We don't have a curfew, like all things are on your own responsibility and risk. You need to take care of yourself! Peraturan pun just a simple, general and very basic but still there are numbers of students who violate the rules including myself (of course, well not so proud tapi keadaan memaksa saya).

Well, that's life hehe.

So, I think, one of the biggest challenges living with other people is to adapt with their attitudes. I mean, we all are coming from variety of background. I think the common and cliche part is kebersihan.

This is also kind of a piece of advice to me as well. Setiap orang mesti ada flaws masing-masing termasuklah diri yang menaip ini.

I would like to suggest, why not bila kita nampak rumah tu bersepah like dah seminggu tak bersapu, kita just take the broom (as known as PENYAPU) and sweep the floor WITH kesungguhan. Yelah, kalau takde kesungguhan pun, sekali sapu, pastu biarkan je sampah-sampah yang terbang-terbang tadi, berterbangan. Tak kutip balik.

Biasalah, bila menyapu ni, ada satu makhluk yang selalu dengki dengan kita iaitu angin. So, kutiplah balik sampah itu dengan kesungguhan.

Besar pahala :')))

Bila rumah semua perempuan, faham-faham jelah pasal rambut tu blergh. Someone please invent sejenis floor yang boleh absorb rambut tu ke bawah dan terus kumpulkan ke satu tempat supaya senang untuk dikutip pleaseeeeee

And then, if you see the dining table (as known as MEJA MAKAN) dalam keadaan bersepah, apa kata kita kemas je tanpa kata. Biasalah, manusia ni semakin lama semakin malas. Plastik dan getah makanan semalam yang dah jadi tahi pun masih berada di atas meja. Yelahhh, aku tahu semorang dah besar nanti dah jadi kaya nak upah bibik kemas rumah kan :'))))

Lepastu, apa kata lepas kita makan, then ada tumpah tumpah kat meja (tak kisah lah meja mana-mana pun hatta meja study kita), sila LAP. Tak susah kan? It's a very very simple thing in this world.

Next, sampah! SAMPAH! Hahahahaha to be honest, aku pun fail bab ni because I really don't like to throw away the rubbish. HAHAHAHAHAH butttt sampah lah yang kena buang hari-hari. IT'S A MUST! Kalau nak buang sampah dalam tong tu, jangan lah buang makanan berkuah dalam tu hekhek. Lepastu, sila lah patuh jadual buang sampah. Ya Sarah, sila patuh juga ya. Jangan tanya aku kenapa tak suka buang sampah. Aku buang juga walaupun terpaksa.

Maybe last but not least, lepas guna MANGKUK, PINGGAN, CAWAN, SUDU, GARPU, PISAU DAN SEBAGAINYA, sila BASUH. Tiada bibik di rumah kita. Harap maklum hahahahaha.

So, let's us summarize:

  1. Sapu rumah, jangan harapkan ada KULI dalam rumah tu nak buat.
  2. Kemas meja makan.
  3. Lap meja bila lepas makan.
  4. Buang sampah.
  5. Basuh pinggan mangkuk sendiri.

Kebersihan rumah tidak akan tercapai jika hanya seorang sahaja yang bersungguh-sungguh untuk mencapai ke tahap itu. Kerjasama amat penting. Memang kita masih muda dan mengganggap perkara ni macam perkara remeh tapi kalau tak didik dari sekarang?

Taknaklah dengar, "perempuan zaman dulu, pandai buat kerja. Ringan tulang. Tapi perempuan zaman sekarang? Buat kerja rumah pun tak reti."

It's not all about tak reti but it's about malas.

I think, it's not wrong for us to develop all of these skills starting from now?

Like my mom always said, "tak rugi pun jadi orang rajin dan pembersih."

So, kalau rasa macam kita malas nak buat atau tak ikhlas, apa kata kita fikir macam ni,

"Let's challenge myself and didik diri sendiri!"

It's for us not others.

I just wanna say,

We will be a queen in our own house (if Allah wills it) with our beloved one. So, we will rule our own kingdom as well as our palace. Don't you want a beautiful, comfort and lovely palace of your own? Think it wisely.

Macam bagus kan?

Kau tak tahu ke yang aku memang bagus, LoL.

Aku tak reti nak cakap face to face.

Okay, no offense meh.

This is a general post.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

What's wrong with me?

So, as you guys know, this week is our study week.
But, I don't know what the hell is wrong with me today?
Why I said so? Because I was embarrassing myself in TWO Whatsapp groups. Nahh, it seems not to many pun kan but still until now, I get embarrassed when I'm thinking of it.
So, this is one of my BIGGEST problems.

When I realized, I had done something embarrassing, I won't stop thinking about it.
I will keep thinking about apa-orang-kata thing. Like orang mesti kata pasal aku. Auch!

Well, people make mistakes everyday. Kan?
But I don't know what's wrong with me.

One of the scenes for today was when I was so excited to tell my friends about this Thursday. This Thursday we are going to have a revision session in a dissection hall and histology lab for our anatomy subject. So, I was so excited (like really?) to tell them that "let's divide the group into two according to the list name like during the practical in dissection hall. Since we have 4 groups, just follow that list name only." while actually, my ketua batch has told about it in our batch Whatsapp group. Like what? What the hell is wrong with you, Sarah? I didn't read about it before I told them about my idea. My bad!

I get embarrassed until now. Believe me?

The second one was when I was so excited (too) to tell my friends about "Hey dude, I've found you in my friend's photo on Instagram." So, what I did was, I've sent the photo to the Whatsapp group. But then aku rasa pelik gila because seems like there's no reaction from others. I was like, "Hey, I've found him in kawan lain yang bukan dari sekolah kita punya gambar kotttt." Lol. I know, it is not important enough pun to tell them but maybe just maybe stress sikit kot harini tah kenapa.

At last, the guy who was in that photo pun respon. Tapi still aku pelik, kenapa dia tak excited. You know what? When I was scrolling through my Instagram, he have uploaded that photo 4 HOURS AGO. Tapi aku baru nampak. And I was like, whatttttttt... What the hell is wrong with you, Sarah? Embarrassment everywhere.

Mungkinkah pengajaran daripada dua incident di atas adalah SILA BACA DAN SELIDIK SEBELUM POST. Lol. I'm not viralling any kind of issues pun hahahaha.

Well, I still get embarrassed until now!

Let's study Physiology!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Study week be like

So, I decided to spend my weekend at home with my family (well, instead of waiting what kind of surprise or treat they want to give since last Wednesday was my birthday hehe).

But before went home yesterday, I was given a task by my friend to finish first 10 of anatomy lecture notes. Well, but you know me? I'm a kind of a lazy girl to do that immediately so as usual, procrastinating is the best thing ever to be done *astaghfirullah*.

After finishing the scapular region just now, I decided to stalk someone's blog or I actually want to know their love story. Since when they know each other and so on. Hahahahahah wasting time but I love to read blog. So, guess what?

Stalking and scrolling and stalking and reading, finally, I've found the title of my favorite song (which I've been looking for years). Wuhuuuu, please give me a big applause, lol.


Okay, got to go. I want to continue my stalking session.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Comfort zone

Lepas baca blog seseorang membuatkan aku tersedar yang selama ni aku dah lama sangat berada dalam comfort zone. Ya, sangat amat lama.

Even dah masuk medical school, I'm still stick to my old and bad habits (I don't know when to change them?)

To be honest, aku seorang yang sangat suka spend too much time for myself atau as known as membuang masa. Tabiat membuang masa aku ni dah teruk sangat sebab aku dah terbiasa since sekolah. Kadang-kadang aku bersyukur bila aku disibukkan dengan pelbagai aktiviti ke sebab bila aku sibuk aku takde masa rehat and somehow aku rasa masa aku terisi juga dengan perkara-perkara yang berfaedah. Even though busy gila sampai tahap menyampah sebab takde masa but in the end aku akan berpuas hati juga.

"study lah untuk isi masa kosong."

Heh. Aku pun bukan budak study since sekolah T.T I'm not gifted, of course. Aku belajar macam biasalah bila nak dekat exam atau ada test or quizzes camtu je, untuk study tiba-tiba secara semulajadi tu kebiasaannya tak.

Ya, aku tahu aku teruk T.T

That's why lah aku cakap, I SHOULD LEAVE MY COMFORT ZONE! I've been in my comfort zone for almost 19 years kottt, ulang rutin yang sama setiap hari (membuang masa dan membuang masa) sedangkan masa tu nanti Allah akan tanya kat akhirat, apa yang kita buat kat dunia dulu? Macam mana kita uruskan masa? Kita laburkan masa tu ke arah kebaikan atau keburukan? T.T

Aku rasa kalau aku diberi test untuk tahu skala pengurusan masa aku, aku rasa I will go for FAIL kot. Bila fikir tentang pengurusan masa ni menyebabkan aku taknak grow up and you know that cliche thingy- kahwin. Sebab time aku single pun masa aku tak terurus, dengan family sendiri dengan kawan, very little portion kot untuk aku but still I can't. Well, it's my problem though.

Aku seorang manusia yang sukakan cabaran juga (kinda) tapi lepastu cepat defeat. Give up and burn out! That's literally me. Kadanga-kadang aku pelik kenapa aku ni jenis yang lemah sangat semangat padahal baru kena jentik sikit je ataupun ibarat baru kena gigit dengan nyamuk sekali je, garu sampai merungut-rungut macam dah end of this world, aigoo!

Maybe just maybe I need someone who will always motivate me and always remind me of my dreams ke hape kot but I don't think that way will work because for me, it's start from ourselves. Not from others. Others is just helping us but the main factor is DIRI SENDIRI, isn't it?

Sometimes kan bila dah ada semangat, dah berkobar-kobar lah ni tapi lepastu semangat tu kekal cuma sehari selepas dilanda ujian yang kecil sekecil bacteria (WTH!). Ya Allah *cry a river*

I should take a very first step to leave out my comfort zone.

Aku teringat kisah arwah Ahmad Ammar yang meninggal pada tahun 2013 if i'm not mistaken, time tu sumpah aku inspired gila dengan kisah sewaktu beliau hidup. Why?

Because he decided to leave his comfort zone, you know as a teen, we love to spend most of our time with friends like watching movies, laughing here and there, procrastinating, shopping (for girls like me), malas study dan sebagainya. Arwah meninggal di usia 20 ke 21 tahun kalau tak silap.

Usia yang sangat muda tapi pengakhiran hidup arwah Ammar sangat indah :)))
Dikebumikan di Turkey, satu tanah perkuburan dengan sahabat Nabi (if i'm not mistaken lagi).
Time tu pun berkobar-kobar weh nak study kat Turkey konon nak belajar kitab sambil belajar medic bagai. Sumpah! Aku semangat ah juga nak jadi hamba Allah yang hebat sampaikan aku baca tau buku tentang arwah Ammar ni. Aku ambil masa yang sangat singkat untuk habiskan buku tu sebab terlalu semangat hehe.

Tapi semangat tu dah hilang terbang dibawa angin. Betullah kata-kata tentang kita kena cari kawan yang betul untuk hidup. Aku bukanlah menyalahkan kawan-kawan aku tapi sebenarnya salah tu atas diri aku sendiri sebab aku yang terlalu terpengaruh dengan mereka.

Kalau sistem security tu kuat, takde orang pun boleh hack or crack sistem tu. Samalah macam diri kita, kalau ilmu kita tak kukuh dan tak kebal untuk halang diri kita daripada terus melakukan perkara-perkara lagho, maka outcomenya pun begitulah....

Allah, aku perlu kuat semula!

I think my old me is back.

Sarah, semangat!