Since today is the most boring day in my life...
And it feels like nothing than an ordinary day...
I would like to express my gratitude to myself for my achievements in 2022.
Dear Sarah,
Congratulations, you've done it well despite all the hassles and the hardships you've went through. I am so proud of you for the strong will and for never give up until you got what you want.
Remember this day, Sarah. Allah never abandoned you alone, He always listen to your prayers in any condition, even you ask for a small thing. I would like to remind you that, keep asking from Him. Trust the process, Sarah.
You might be falling apart again, torn into pieces again in the future but just so you know, I guarantee you that it will get better soon. Keep your patience high and just go through it. You'll smile from ear to ear at the end of the process.
Thank you for your perseverance this year. Congratulations for your graduation. Finally, you have graduated on time with a scholarship (from a convertable loan). Not only that, you graduated with MBBS with Distinction. I am super proud of you for that. Not only that, you've ranked number 5 out of 80 students in your class. Subhanallah Subhanallah.
Despite the broken heart one month and a half prior to your final professional examination, you did it very well! Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah, super proud of youuuuu sayangku Dr. Siti Sarah Nabila Saharudin ❤️
Then, tahniah juga akhirnya berjaya pakai braces walaupun dalam kesakitan. Yup, beauty is pain.
See, this proves that Allah always and always listen to your prayers. Whenever He is about to give you what you want, He always take something that you love to. So, it's okay, Sarah. Whenever something is happening, trust that there must be some of your prayers He is about to accept in very soon.
Finally, almost all your dreams has come true this year. Bila tengok balik ke belakang, apa yang saya nak, hampir semua Allah dah perkenankan pada masa yang tepat. Subhanallah Alhamdulillah. Nikmat apa lagi yang kau nak dustakan, Sarah. Biasalah tu kan, kita doa 5, tapi Allah perkenankan 4 je dulu. Mungkin, doa itu Allah tangguh dulu pada masa yang tepat, di saat segalanya tepat. Semoga Allah tambahkan lagi rasa syukur dalam hatimu, Sarah.
Anyway, because we are approaching the end of 2022. Sejujurnya, setiap perkara yang signifikan berlaku dalam 2022 adalah sesuatu yang tidak pernah saya bayangkan dalam otak saya. Even to graduate on time pun, it still feels surreal to me. But alhamdulillah Allah made it happened, the best thing ever ❤️
Dirasakan 2022 penuh dengan kepahitan dan kesedihan sepanjang tahun. Walau ada terselit juga satu atau dua moment yang manis, namun, saya tetap bersyukur Allah gives me a happy ending in December. My favourite month forever. Hence, saya tidak mengimpikan apa-apa pada tahun 2023.
Cukuplah sekadar saya bahagia dengan cara saya. Semoga Sarah semakin kuat dan bahagia pada tahun 2023, all the best for your housemanship, Sarahhhh!!! In shaa Allah, you're going to nail your housemanship period too!!! Keep your passion high! Dan semoga saya dapat pergi ke Bali, Indonesia with my high school girlfriends, amiinnn!!!
2023 is the year yang I target nak buat apa yang I tak dapat buat sebelum ni. Semoga cukup masa dan duit untuk semuanya 😍
Don't think want to change my status yet, entah. Jangan tanya apa-apa pasal perkara tu nahhh. Mungkin 2023 akan ada beberapa perkara sedih in it, but that's okay Sarah. Stay strong, okieeeee.
At last, happiest 25th birthday to me!!! I love myself foreverrrrr ❤️ thank you to some yang masih ingat hari istimewa saya walaupun dah biasa sambut sorang-sorang sobs. Yelah, siapa je nak ingat. I still wish I would forget my own birthday one day huhuhu. Of course lah nak juga diingati tapi takpelah. I'm nobody.
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MBBS with Distinction ✅ |
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With the first class degree selempang ✅ |
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With my braces on ✅ |
Next? Housemanship dulu, semoga semuanya smooth. Then, Master programme, in shaa Allah. Doakan. Kahwin? Entahlah nakkkkk... Maleh nak pikir. Bai.
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