Saturday, October 1, 2016

Please, appreciate

Assalamualaikum and hello all!

Long time no see, I know. Hmm, alhamdulillah dah sebulan masuk degree hehe.
Busy tu, biasa-biasa je just like tamhidi life dulu tapi pack sikit je. Sikit lah.

But that's not my main point for my topic tonight. I just wondering..

Most of my friends yang sekarang ni, memang datang dari background keluarga yang tak suka appreciate cerita orang ke? I mean, like this...

I am talkative person. And most of the time, I would love to tell my story or maybe I guess I'm not membebel at all pun (certain person, yes, and orang yang aku rapat je), just sometimes I'm sharing my personal opinion on certain situation only, andddd people would just staring at their phones and ignoring me. Their responds would be just, "ohh yekee" and then continue playing the smartphone.

Yes, the phone is smart but not the user! Urgh, i'm so aggravated with this kind of people. Can you just appreciate someone's effort when they are sharing some story or maybe opinion? Can you put down your smartphone when someone is talking? That is rude, for me! It doesn't matter whether you are interested or not into what topic is she discussing or whatsoever but please, appreciate her/him. At least, show your effort that you are actually APPRECIATE their story!

Please lah. Ni tak, sibuk tengok phone benda yang bila kita tengok, rupanya dia tengah sibuk scroll instagram je pun. And one more, most of the time, bila aku tanya soalan ke kan, people would just ignore me and staring at their "so smart" phone tu! Hello, I need your answer okay. Please lah. Don't be rude! Kita tahu nak marah orang bila orang tak jawab soalan kita tapi kita sendiri buat kat orang macam tu, so kau rasa?

I guess perkara ni have something related to manner juga kot. Manner, bila orang tengah bercakap dengan kita, make an eye contact. Tapi kita sibuk main dengan gadget kita yang acah-acah hebat tu and then ignore je. Memang, to be honest, I hate with this kind of people! Please please please, be a good listener (at least). Fed up sangat dengan orang macam ni, and last-last bila kita dah terkena, of course lah ada macam rasa nak balas balik kan kat orang tu, betul tak?

Aku tahu, tu tak baik. Biarlah orang nak buat apa kat kita, tapi kita kena buat baik kat orang. Tapi yeah, geram sangat kan.... Sabar selagi mampu T.T

I tend to be a quiet person and talking when it is important only since I've entering USIM. Why? Because most of the people here are so annoying. Yes, I should accept dorang tu macam mana bagai-bagai semua. I'm not talking about this thing untuk kepentingan peribadi, nope but I have observed this kind of thing around me too. You know what, just because of gadget, kita semakin dah tak cakna dengan keadaan sekeliling. Kita sibuk nak jadi orang yang pertama tahu tentang berita luar kawasan kita tapi kita lah orang yang gagal untuk prihatin dengan keadaan sekeliling.

Sadis kan?

So, last but not least, tolonglah appreaciate bila ada orang sedang bercakap. Cakap kat depan ke cakap kat sebelah kau ke mana-mana jelah. Apa perasaan kau bila kau tengah bercakap dan tengok orang lain bagi respon dengan muka yang membosankan?

Fikir-fikirkan sendiri.

Thanks fo reading!

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