Saturday, February 10, 2018

Rebound and move on?

What's your thought about rebound?

Rebound in an urban dictionary means start a new relationship with someone new just to avoid the pain of a breakup. Meaning that, one 'use' someone to replace his/ her ex dengan harapan dorang akan move on?

Personally, I hate this way. This is not a good way for someone to move on. Yes, sometimes it works (but it rarely works) but what if it doesn't work? Don't you feel like we are playing someone's heart to a beat? We are forcing ourselves to be in a relationship with someone new like in our past. Just because of the heart ache, doesn't mean we can simply fall in love (in a short period) to replace the ex.

I believe there is rebound thingy but I didn't believe that this so called "method" can help someone to move on, forgetting all good things in a short time. Maybe, this "method" can distract one from his/ her heart ache. But trust me, dengan cara macam ni, seseorang tak akan mampu untuk move on dalam masa yang singkat (or even in long period pun) sebab perasaan tu tak habis. I mean, cepatnya mengalah? Macam kelakar bila dalam masa kurang sebulan atau dua, tiba-tiba dah jumpa yang baru. Macam whattttt? Are you serious to be in that relationship? Desperate gila cari yang baru. 

Semudah tu cari pengganti. We cannot simply say that we've moved on when we already hooked up with someone new. In my opinion, one really needs to move on, forgetting his/ her past first then bila dah redha and ikhlas letting off all those things, baru start a new relationship.

Start a new relationship AFTER moving on.
Don't start a new relationship WHILE moving on.
Dua perkara yang SANGAT berbeza.
You get me?

When we start a new relationship while moving on, we are actually creating a new problem to ourselves. Why? Sebab perasaan yang lama tak habis. We will tend to compare the 'new one' with the 'old one'. Teringat-ingat kat kekasih lama. Atau mungkin lah lama-lama tu dia dah lupa tapi once dorang terjumpa balik, ada kemungkinan perasaan tu timbul kembali. Macam drama kan, tapi this is real, babe! So, tak peliklah orang yang lepas je balik reunion sekolah ke universiti ke tiba-tiba cerai sebab terjumpa kekasih lama, sebab perasaan yang lama tak habis. Berkemungkinan besar juga kita akan cari ex kita and contact balik sedangkan we already have a new one. Kan dah curang kan? Pergi create masalah baru pulak.

Kalau masih suka, cakap suka, it is easy! Why we need to lie to ourselves? Yes, telling the truth is hard but that doesn't mean we can tell them lies. Or maybe, memang kalau dah kena reject teruk, tak perlu lah nak terhegeh-hegeh cari balik kan. Start a new life. But move on dulu baru start a new relationship. Still, we need to move on first.

Aku sangat percaya bila seseorang tak move on sepenuhnya sebelum start a new relationship, ada kemungkinan dia kurang bahagia. Yelah, perasaan tak habis kot. And this is dangerous! Kesian lah kat your new one. Of course, he/ she is putting their best-est efforts to take care of you and give attention towards you to make you comfortable and happy. Tapi kita yang tak happy bukan sebab yang baru tapi sebab tak move on daripada yang lama. Pebenda tah!

Jangan gunakan seseorang untuk lupakan seseorang.
Rebound is cruel.
Be careful, maybe you just a rebound.

Spit out the truth even it hurts.

Don't forget to share your thoughts too!
Do leave something in comment.
Thanks for reading.

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